Jess Lemon

Nov 20, 20224 min

What Is Metadata In Salesforce?

The Salesforce is relatively comprehensive, consisting of several features and tools for carrying out various tasks. To a large extent, every of Salesforce's processes is centered on generating, recording, monitoring, and evaluating important information in some form or another.

Users can carry out various business activities rapidly, efficiently, and automatedly with the assistance of Salesforce metadata, which holds a prominent place among multiple pieces of information and plays a significant role.

The question now is, what exactly is Salesforce metadata?

Salesforce metadata is the data that helps makes Salesforce look and operate the way it does. This includes fields, code, configurations, logic, and page layouts to create an effective information architecture for your Salesforce.

What Is Metadata In Salesforce?

Metadata in Salesforce Apex can be used for three main purposes - modifying it within the product interface, importing metadata into Salesforce, or manipulating it with the help of Salesforce's metadata API.

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Types Of Metadata

Different kinds of Salesforce metadata may be distinguished from one another in terms of the problems they answer and how they make it possible for you to personalize a feature of Salesforce.

The following are the top three most typical categories in which you may place various kinds of metadata:

1. Data

This is the most critical and fundamental part of using Salesforce. Your instance of Salesforce is used to perform virtually every business function, and it does so with the assistance of various data types and structures.

These sets hold information unique to your company, team, customers, partners, or any other entity related to your business organization.

Most modifications are designed, tested, and deployed on the data structures. Examples of the same may be found in many places, such as Custom Salesforce Objects, Value Sets, Custom Applications, etc.

2. Programmability

This refers to the custom code developed on the CRM platform to construct apps, carry out integrations, or execute other activities to the organization's requirements. Apex Pages, Apex Triggers, and Apex Classes are a few examples of classic pieces of metadata that may be found in this category.

Developers start building Apex objects by following a template known as an Apex class. In addition, Apex Classes frequently incorporate additional components such as other classes, variables, static initialization code, user-defined methods, and exception kinds.

Apex Triggers are information that allows Salesforce users to conduct individualized actions on records before or after a particular event. Triggers may be defined for essential standard items like Accounts, Contacts, and custom objects.

Any standard Visualforce page created by pulling the necessary data and metadata from the org can be considered an Apex page. It is recommended that all of these pages be contained within a single-page component tag.

3. Presentation

The various types of metadata included in this category concern the multiple ways users engage with the CRM platform. The terms "reports," "dashboards," "components," and "page layouts," among others, are typical examples of the various types of Salesforce metadata.

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What Is The Need For Salesforce Metadata?

Organizations used to rely on hard-coded apps when carrying out their various procedures. Those days are long gone. We have effectively reached the era of digitalization, in which people are accustomed to working on adaptable applications that can be quickly altered.

In addition, the need for customization is at an all-time high in modern times, and it does not appear to be decreasing anytime soon. No longer is it possible for developers to create an app that most commercial firms can utilize.

Metadata enables businesses to modify the functionality of apps seamlessly, and companies demand applications whose functionality can be updated according to their individual needs.

Thanks to Salesforce metadata, you may construct a Salesforce application customized to your tastes without resorting to complex and high-level programming, which allows you to create the application.

Metadata in Salesforce differentiates it from merely a database containing helpful information and elevates it to the level of a dynamic platform. It is more important than ever that you have it to keep up with the latest technology breakthroughs and build useful apps.

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Difference Between Data And Metadata

Programmers just starting often make the mistake of conflating data with metadata, one of the most common errors.

Even though both entities share a great deal in common, a few key distinctions between them are crystal evident and essential for any software user and developer to comprehend.

A collection of particular pieces of information, such as facts, measurements, observations, or descriptions of certain entities, is an example of what we mean when we talk about data. Finding patterns, maintaining a record, and identifying trends in the information supplied by such data sets are all made more accessible by using data sets.

On the other hand, metadata is a broad term for information associated with various data types. Because of this, metadata is frequently referred to as "data on data." In this section, you will choose a particular data collection and go into its depths, discussing facets such as the file type, origin, date, and so on.

This is where the most important distinction between data and metadata may be found. You are working with data whenever you are presented with a collection of information that provides you with a specific measurement, description, or observable facts.

On the other hand, you will be dealing with metadata if you are presented with additional information on the material discussed earlier.

One last thing to think about the distinction between data and metadata is that while the informative value of some data may or may not always be there, the informative value of metadata is always present for the function it fulfils.

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What Is Metadata In Salesforce?

That’s it for our introduction to metadata in Salesforce. We’ve looked at what metadata is, the different types of metadata, and why you need it in your Salesforce instance. Next time we will explore how data and metadata differ from each other. In the meantime, if you have any questions or want more information about anything we covered today, please leave a comment below or reach out to us!

Moreover, you should also read our previous article, where we discussed how to merge accounts in salesforce.