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Write faster & more accurately, anywhere
Flow works seamlessly in every application on your computer.
Your voice, your style
You speak to everyone differently. Flow adapts based on the app you're using.
Take control of your docs
Access Flow's intelligence in every application. Just select text and ask Flow to step in.
A world without typos
Flow gets names right, however uncommon they might be.
Private Cloud
Flow runs on our private cloud. None of your data is stored on our servers.
100+ languages
Pick a language of your choice. Or go with our "Auto detect" if you're multilingual.
Whispering mode
Around other people? Flow understands even when you whisper quietly to it.
"Ask Perplexity, what's the capital of Azerbaijan" from anywhere on your computer.
Break through writer's block
Focus on what you want to say, not how to say it. Flow frees you from the keyboard and lets your thoughts flow naturally.