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How Trupeer works
Record with our chrome extension. Get AI generated document and video in seconds.
Modify the script if required. Select your desired AI voiceover, wallpaper, music.
Hit generate and download the document & video in the format of your choice.
Works for everyone.
Create product videos and documents for any context. You don’t need any prior experience in video editing, technical writing or graphic design.
Studio quality product videos, at 1/10th the effort and cost
AI voiceovers that feel professional, yet human.
Automated zoom effects and highlights.
Cleaned-up uhms and grammar with AI. No retakes.
Wallpapers and music to make your video pop.
Wasting time creating how-to-guides? Not anymore.
Automated screenshots of key actions.
AI generated steps, description and titles.
Seamless word-like editor, works like magic.
Automated translations in 30+ languages (Coming soon).