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Tribe enables businesses to build a white-label, online community to connect, engage and retain customers. It is popular for its no-code customizability, the ability to integrate into products and websites, direct integrations with popular third-party tools, intuitive UX derived from social networks, and powerful gamification features.
Tribe unifies a number of customer-facing activities in one platform. You’ll be able to create a support forum and empower your customers to help peers, build a knowledge base to improve product adoption, collect feedback and feature requests, and let customers share knowledge, and network under your brand.
Discount restrictions: Only available to Tribe's new customers on Plus and Premium plans
Instructions to redeem the discount:
Please follow these steps to get your discount code:
Fill out the form on this page:
Tribe will send you a unique discount code in 2 business days. Redeem your code in 7 business days.
To redeem the code
Build a community on Tribe and log into it.
Click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner, then pick Administration.
Open Settings from the left bar, then click on Billing.
Click on Change Plan to pick your preferred plan and redeem your discount code.