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Deep, crafted integrations's integrations are designed to understand and conform to your data. That means they’re more intuitive, more flexible, and easier to use.
No need to be an API expert
App Objects make it easy to access nested and linked properties inline—no additional lookups necessary.
Paths that can merge
Workflows in can continue with common steps after conditional Paths, eliminating error-prone duplication.
Built-in AI Actions
Summarize content, translate text, or extract data with's built-in AI Actions.
Prompt any AI model for total flexibility
Send custom prompts to any AI model and use the response as structured data in your workflow.
Mini Agents
Build your own mini AI Agents, and empower them to autonomously invoke custom actions.
Approvals and data inputs
Insert checkpoints in your workflow to collect approvals or input from yourself or others.
Maximize confidence in AI
Human-in-the-Loop workflows combine the benefits of AI-powered automation with the control and oversight you need to feel confident—no compromises.