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Rantir Cloud is a scalability-first, open-source no-code development framework and platform. Instead of investing years of time and millions of dollars in research and development, deploy Rantir Cloud in a few minutes and you'll have a private, controllable, and extremely scalable no-code development platform!
Rantir was founded by a legacy no code team that helped pilot Webflow, Framer and Bubble Enterprise programs. Rantir is driven by a simple yet powerful philosophy – you should be able to own your AI experience and visually deploy it anywhere. It should be easier to build a flexible AI backends.
As and entirely enterprise-first concept and open-source, Rantir comes packed with four key pieces to our tool: Build Mode, Logic Mode, Data Mode, and AI Mode that converses across all data points. Our AI-powered tool takes your questions and turns them into captivating, reader-graphs, texts relays, and even graphics
Rantir also has built in SSO and Authentication so that you can stop looking for robust third-party SSO and autho so that you can build internal and external applications out of the box. We have security baked in, as it should and combined with your on-premise server, would exceed most SOC-2 compliance levels.
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Enter the world of AI dashboards. With Build mode, Logic mode, AI Explore Mode, and Data mode, we have created the stepping stones for building any internal and external application for most use-cases you can imagine. Free to try for personal use, build your next AI dashboard in less than 30 seconds.