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It’s not just a Zapier on steroids, it’s so much more. With the ability to handle complex processes, Visual Workflow Automation, and more capabilities in adding Custom Actions & Code.
🧰 All-in-one toolbox to stop manual work
⚙️ Easily automate processes and integrate all the software you’re already using via API and custom webhooks
🎉 The new Forms & Tasks capability enables users to create great-looking web forms, collect information from users, and streamline business processes processes
💪 Main capabilities: Process Designer (Visual Workflows), Data Model Designer & Variables, Credentials Manager, Document Designer, Custom Actions, Webhooks, Collaboration Capabilities, Automation Scheduling
☁️ Cloud/on-premise, for any individual or team, including freelancers, startups, agencies & enterprises
👩💻 Collaborate seamlessly across teams with a no-code, low-code, and full-code platform