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A system as unique as your business
Stop wasting your time with workarounds, ERPs, manual work and hiring developers to build internal tools. Do it yourself, no code.
No-code automations. Made for humans.
You can create automations with Gmail, Typeform, Slack, Google Calendar and more.
Create your own Apps. No more ERP nonsense.
Create tools that reflect your business. Stop trying to fit into other solutions.
Unlimited Users. Run your entire company.
Don’t be constrained by the number of users. Build an infrastructure for everyone.
Start with templates.
Connect, build or change it to meet your needs.
Unlimited possibilities.
Don’t let coding hold you back.
Build every field, table, dashboard and automation with drag and drop and clicks. Enjoy components like:
Buttons - Go to a website, create records and more.
Fields - Create a form using any field in your system.
Calendar - Calendar view for records and events.
Single trick Button - Add automations without code.
Embedded - Bring a YouTube video or any other iframe.
Charts - Add metrics and create your own dashboard.