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Your software's integration layer. Create Integrations for your app that match your app's design and experience.
Your users expect your product to integrate elegantly with their tools.
Building and maintaining integrations are a time and resource suck.
Integry makes it easy and affordable for product teams to
deliver integrations that are as beautiful as their product.
Users Expect a First-rate UX. Integrations Are No Exception.
Integry makes it easy to give your users incredible Integration Experience. Here's what your users can do:
Discover Integrations on Your Marketplace
Users can explore available integrations, activate them from within your dedicated Integration Marketplace
Discover Integrations Inside Your App
Create Custom Integration
Monitor and Track Performance
Product Teams, Create Great Integration Experiences Easily
Integry helps product teams create integration experiences that mirror their product's own experience, using your app's own UI. Here's what product team members you can do:
Build Integration 'Wizards'. Without Code.
Build and preview integration experiences, with 100's of apps, with any degree of complexity.
Build and Customize Integration Marketplace for Users to Discover
Build Integrations to 100s of Apps, or Build Your Own App Connector
Analyze, Track and Debug
Embed Integrations Inside Your App