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What does it mean to add an AI Assistant inside your App?
Enables your users
To interact with your app using natural language products (in their own language).
Enables your app
To consume unstructures text and extract infomration programmatically.
Dynamically generate
Natural language content that is relevant in the context of the app.
Create an AI Assistant in a single click
Conva AI's Magic Studio offers a single-click process to generate an AI Assistant, using the Play or App Store URL, with a bunch of capabilities that is optimized for the app. Magic Studio will automatically generate the agents that will handle each of those Capabilities.
Edit the AI Assistant Capabilities
Edit the Assistant by modifying the generated App Details or the Capability blueprint that represents each of the Capability.
Create New Capbilities
Create new Capabilities by just describing it in simple English. Magic Studio will automatically generate the agent behind that Capability.
Add Knowledge Sources
Add knowledge sources (html, CSV, PDFs) to the Capabilities to ground the responses to your apps data. This knowledge can be added statically via Magic Studio or shared at runtime via the SDK. Conva.AI will automatically use this to perform RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation).
Integrate the AI Assistant Using the Headless SDK
Conva.AI provides easy-to-use platform-specific SDKs that bring the AI Assistant to life inside your app.
Integrate the AI Assistant as a Copilot
Conva.AI comes with built-in Conversational UX components that allows you to integrate your AI Assistant as a Copilot which supports multi-modal interactions (voice and text input with TTS support).
Smartly Route Requests to the Right Capability
Conva.AI comes with built-in orchestration framework that will automatically route the user input to the right Capability. Developers can also programmatically limit the set of Capabilities to be used at runtime or even programmatically route it to a specific Capability.
Maintain the Assistant Using Magic Studio
Magic Studio comes with components to track how your Assistant is performing. Including log viewer with reasoning details, automatic evals (coming soon), and active learning (coming soon).